Weekly Report #6
Hello Equalizers,
We love this part of the week, where we sit down between us to discuss the content of the weekly report and is being very satisfied to see all the progress that we are doing week by week, we encourage you don’t lose traction and read the weekly report #6:
Update #1 Development
As we said, this is a full month of highly intensive development. We are working very actively to develop the core services of the Equalizer Platform and prepare for the next phases: testing and audits.
Here is our progress, highlighted in bold what is new in last week:
- The testing/staging environment is fully functional and prepared to support the ongoing development and testing
- The CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) pipelines are fully functional
- The production environment is being configured at 70% done
- Monitoring tools implemented at 70% done
- Security Policies are in place
- The Equalizer UI/UX is 80% developed
- The Flash Loans Smart Contracts are 50% developed
- The Core Services APIs are 40% developed
- The EQZ ERC20-BEP20 bridge is fully tested and audited. We are fine-tuning the last parameters based on the feedback from tests and audits and we are preparing to release it on main-net.
Many thanks to the whole development team for the hard work they did in the last week. We are all very excited to see the results of our hard work!
Update #2 We’ve updated our home page
Our webpage, https://equalizer.finance , is now updated with a dedicated section where all our existing or future investors, partners and media supports are listed.
Also, we have added a widget where you can quickly check the price of the EQZ token, the total circulating supply, the market capitalization and from where you can buy or sell the token.
Update #3 Marketing
When the crypto market is in red, the best we can do is to spread relevant information regarding the progress of our project, educational content and expand to new communities.
We are building the Equalizer platform with a long-term commitment and with a clear mission to build a resilient and reliable flash lending marketplace that works perfectly in all market conditions (red and green).
Educational Video: here is the second video of our series, where we talk about the status and trends of flash loans in the DeFi market and what are the flash loans use cases.
Youtube channel: we have launched our Youtube channel where we publish all the educational video content and all relevant information regarding our platform.
Interview with our CEO — read the last interview published in hackernoon.com and discover what motivates us and what’s our great plan in becoming the leader of the Defi flash loan market.
A series of educational tweets have been published:
Regular Loans VS Flash Loans: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1395675619447431171?s=20
Where to buy $EQZ https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1395298380612575235?s=20
Equalizer borrower’s Services: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1394940841018408961?s=20
Why Flash Loans Only Exists in #DeFi: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1394570412755853315?s=20
The $EQZ token use cases: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1394204618679259138?s=20
The Equalizer governance model: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1393849450788003840?s=20
What Equalizer Offers to Liquidity Providers: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1393483796222300161?s=20
New AMA for the Chinese community
We were invited by one of the biggest crypto communities in China to organize an Ask Me Anything session, a very dynamic meeting with a lot of interesting questions and high interest. 谢谢你
Well, so that’s all for this week, we hope to see you next week, until then, enjoy your weekend and HOLD!
The Equalizer Team
The Flash Loan force be with you!
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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