Weekly Report #34
Dear Equalizers!
We are happy to share with you our new weekly report!
Update 1: Expansion
Equalizer will deploy its flash loans infrastructure to any blockchain as long as it makes sense in terms of usage. At the same time, we also believe that being first in a new DeFi ecosystem will bring a competitive advantage in the long term. We have resumed our expansion and the team is working to integrate the 3rd chain in our application and preparing to accommodate the 4th one. Soon we will make it public and we will keep updating the progress every week.
Update 2: Website’s Migration Final Stage
Our developers are close to finishing this chapter. Soon we will be happy to present a fully optimized website ready to host dedicated educational content for Equalizer Academy
Update 3: Joint research with Syscoin for ZK Rollups
Our blockchain top experts are joining the race for the next generation of Flash Loans. We had a promising kick-off meeting with our partners at Syscoin and we are committed to working together in exploring new flash loan possibilities that are arising when using rollups.
Our partners are also sharing our enthusiasm:
Update 1: Community Growth
This week we reached a beautiful number of followers which is 30 000! We have passed this number and moved to 31 000!
The engagement rate this week is 12,6 % which is almost 6% more than the previous week. This means that Equalizer’s community not only becomes bigger but also more active!
Update 2: Equalizer Academy Development
The work on the creation of the academy has started. The methodical part and content creation are in progress. We will publish the curriculum in December, while the first session will be hosted in January. You can learn more about Equalizer Flash Loans Academy following the link: https://link.medium.com/piIrFLixrlb
Update 3: Marketing Activities Planning
The marketing team is growing and it is determined to spread the word about Equalizer, to increase our community and our market share. Fresh ideas are coming, so stay tuned for updates!
Remember, that we are open to any suggestions: you can share your ideas by e-mail on:
You also can send your marketing proposals to our CMO Telegram @Anna_nsv
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace that can handle the rising demand for DeFi lending and borrowing. It sets itself apart by offering the lowest fees and transaction costs, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, scalable, multi-chain infrastructure, and integration friendly.
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