Weekly Report #20
Dear Equalizers, we are in touch with you again!
Summer is coming to the end and we are wrapping up the last week with nice updates. A lot of work has already been done and now we have focused on the stability issues and a search for new ways of promoting the platform.
We invite you to take a look at our achievements and plans. Welcome aboard our Equalizer-spaceship: here is report #20!
Update 1: new nets are coming soon!
Main-net ETH is launched and ready to use. We continue to monitor and analyze the network activity. After fixing some of the problems described below, the platform is fully stabilized. We continue testing other networks and soon, the launch of BSC public testing is planned. We will invite you to test it and invite you to provide your valuable feedback.
Update 2: development of Yield Farming program in progress
Another great news — now we are working on a very innovative Yield Farming structure. Details will be revealed soon and you can be sure that our Yield Farming program will be very attractive. In the near future, it will be available for testing. Just wait for a little while.
Update 3: the vulnerability of UI is fixed
Due to your activity in Bug Bounty, we have identified and fixed one UI bug. By the way, the Bug Bounty program continues! Here is the link to report bugs: http://bugs.equalizer.finance . Additional info you can find here: https://equalizer-finance.medium.com/equalizer-finance-announces-bug-bounty-campaign-53803e46e462. Notice that the reward for your report can be up to 1000 USD. An attractive one, isn’t it?
Update 4: security policy for UI
Do you remember the DDOS attack from the Chinese IP that we wrote about in the last report? Our developers improved the security of the platform by updating the security policy for UI. As you see Equalizer becomes more and more protected!
Update 5: improving the reliability of the RPC nodes building an HA proxy
We have improved the reliability of the RPC nodes by building an HA proxy to make sure we are resilient and fully operational even in case one of our RPC providers is off. This is one more pillar in the Equalizer stability.
Ones, who are used to operate the statistics, look to our progress in the pipeline:
- BSC Equalizer version — work in progress — 40 %
- Yield Farming — work in progress — 50 %
- Adding new vaults — work in progress — 60%
Being honest in the fast-changing environment of crypto-startup sometimes it’s very hard to structure the marketing activities. Currently, a full-fledged multi-step strategy is in progress, because the clearness of direction is very important for us. In the meantime, here’s what we have been doing in the marketing field last week:
Update 1: cooperation with professional traders
We are sure that personal communication with potential flash loan users is one of the best methods to introduce Equlizer’s benefits. We already introduced our services to two professional traders and started the discussions about integrating the platforms. Our plan is to expand the number of interactions with the people who could be interested in Equlizer’s trading opportunities. In case you are such type of user or you know any, please feel free to get in touch with our CMO to make the introductions. (Telegram account: @Anna_nsv)
Update 2: Twitter Bounty campaign is finished
The Twitter Bounty campaign has just finished. Very soon we get to know who will receive the awards! We remind you that the winners will be determined by a randomizer and the best tweet will be determined by our team based on its creativity and promotional effect. You can recall the terms of the campaign by following the link https://link.medium.com/8OEc83dkQib
Update 3: Press Release published
At the beginning of the week, the Equalizer press release was published on @YahooNews and @YahooFinance. To check it, follow the link below: https://finance.yahoo.com/equalizer-announced-launch-worlds-first-111328457.html
We also consider publications in other media: with the expansion of functionality and the addition of new networks, we are planning to increase media presence.
This concludes the description of the Equalizer development at this stage. Remember that we are always open to your suggestions and ideas regarding the development of the platform, both in the technical and marketing fields.
You can share ideas by mailing on
You also can send your marketing offers to our CMO Telegram @Anna_nsv
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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