Weekly Report #19
Dear Equalizers,
From the 16th of August, Equalizer is live! This week of the summer of 2021, will always remain in our hearts, after all the effort, months of development, meetings, partnerships, and discussions, we are really proud to have Equalizer live and available to everyone!
It's time to name everyone in the team that really deserves a special congratulation for the hardworking, team spirit and vision: Iulian, Pablo, Alen, Stefan, Jesus, Liviu, Alex, Enghin, Cristi, Vali, Tomi, Ionut, Jonny, Anna, Gabriela, Emilio and all the other contributors from our great community.
Anyhow, more things had happened during this week, so please don't miss the weekly report number #19.
UPDATE #1 Development
EQUALIZER PLATFORM: ETH Main-net has been released and is working very stable and properly, $EQZ vault was full after a few minutes; (just great right?).
Anyhow, we suffered a DDOS attack coming from China IP addresses on our Front End User Interface, but fortunately, it was quickly detected and fixed by our engineers. Because of that, we’ve upgraded our security systems to ensure no interruption in operation anymore.
We identified a few small issues that made the UI inaccessible for around one hour, the time needed by our development team to fix it. We have upgraded the monitoring tools to increase the uptime of the UI. We have identified a set of 4 enhancements for the UI that will be implemented soon. We plan to increase the resilience and reliability of the UI by applying a new backup policy and by upgrading the load balancer of the RPC nodes.
Don’t believe that we are done! We are continuously working, adding new features, expanding to new ecosystems, maintaining, improving, and leading to the final product drafted by our shared vision! Below are the details of our short term development pipeline:
- BSC Equalizer version — work in progress — 30 %
- Yield Farming — work in progress — 40 %
- Adding new vaults — work in progress — 40%
- Integration with other Defi platforms — we have started to analyze the possibilities of integration with other Defi platforms like Instadapp, DefiSaver, Furucombo, Hummingbot, Zerion
- Bug Bounty Campaign still in progress — here the link to report bugs: http://bugs.equalizer.finance and additional info can be found here: https://equalizer-finance.medium.com/equalizer-finance-announces-bug-bounty-campaign-53803e46e462
UPDATE #2 Marketing
There is nothing more exciting than all the things that we have planned around the release of the Equalizer Platform. We understand very well that the success of the platform is for equal about the best development and the best marketing, we have committed to reaching any Liquidity Provider or Arbitrageur that will enjoy and benefiting using Equalizer, here the last marketing material that you can find about us.
Our project lead, Iulian Nita interviewed by PAID Network :
We bring another interesting talk about DeFi and what to expect from Equalizer and its flash loan service, many thanks to our friends from PAID NETWORK.
Equalizer is in the mouth of everyone, also big crypto influencers are talking about us, some of them have already started to spread the news about the great things we are doing. Here are just a few examples, but you can find much more on our looking to our Twitter account and Twitter mentions.
Publish press-release:
Our official announcement about the release is here and it is already submitted to a few other Tier 1 crypto publications, waiting to be published soon!
Video AMA with our Project Lead Iulian Nita:
Here is a productive and funny interview with The AMA Room, we really enjoy making this interview, we hope that this will be the first of much more. Hope you like it as well!
Twitter bounty campaign
We are expanding our community, please don't miss this incredible opportunity to join us and win one of the prizes! We have big plans for the near future, we are preparing a special call for arbitrageurs, stay tuned for more info.
Before closing, we are inviting you, our great followers to submit your best ideas for smart marketing campaigns, targeting two main audiences: liquidity providers for the listed vaults and consumers for the flash loan services. Feel free to do it using our email address:
Thank you, everyone, and looking forward to seeing you next week,
The Equalizer Team
The Flash Loan force be with you!
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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