Weekly Report #14
Hello Equalizers,
We are arriving at the climax of the Equalizer’s Platform development and starting next week, the Equalizer team will meet in Bucharest for an intensive hackathon, to properly prepare for the release of the platform. I can not explain how are the feelings inside the team, we are nervous and optimist for equal, it has been a few months of hard work, many meetings, discussions, fails and successes that make this project so special;
We did not imagine learning as we did when we started Equalizer, our community challenges us every week to deliver the best and we are very proud of the final product.
The weekly report #14 is here, don’t miss the track now, the Equalizer time is coming!
Update #1 Development
The audit of the smart contracts and the testing of the platform are right now work in progress! We identify and fix all the issues, we test them again, we make updates and improvements, all of them in preparation for a successful release.
For the technical weekly summary, here highlighted in bold what is new: (just a few left )
Equalizer Technical progress
- The testing/staging environment is fully functional and prepared to support the ongoing development and testing
- The CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) pipelines are fully functional
- The production environment configured at 100% done
- Monitoring tools implemented at 100% done
- Security Policies are in place
- The Equalizer UI/UX is 100% developed
- The Flash Loans Smart Contracts are 100% developed
- The Core Services APIs are 100% developed
- The Yield Farming Smart Contracts are 100% developed
- The EQZ ERC20-BEP20 bridge is functional on main-net.
- Audit of the smart contacts — work in progress
- Testing plan validated. Testing scenarios created 100%. Testing process started
- Documentation — 30% completed
- Release plan approved — we target 28th July — 2nd August!
- Chainlink price feed integration 90% done
Update #2 Partnerships
We don’t forget how to make partnerships, and we know that you love to see how the equalizer ecosystem is expanding in the DeFi ecosystem, but let us know what partnership you would like to see with Equalizer!!
ODZZ: It's our great pleasure to announce a new strategic partnership with @oddz_finance where ODZZ users will access Flash loans thanks to Equalizer. That is really cool, right?
Certik: We are incredibly happy that our smart contracts audit is performed by CertiK, one of the top audit companies in the DeFi market. This will ensure our smart contracts and business logic, the security, and the protection of Equalizer users are things that we don't negotiate easily, and we just want the best of the best.
Update #3 Marketing
Meme Contest: This week we host a contest looking at the best memes of Equalizer, we are surprisingly happy about the skills and creativity of our community! The contest is still ongoing until 18th July, so don’t miss the chance to participate!
Technical Contest: For a period of 2 days we are also hosting a technical contest. A few good answers are already provided by our amazing community. The contest is still ongoing until 17th July, 11AM CET, so don’t miss the chance to submit your answer!
Defi Meetup in Bucharest: Finally we have the chance to meet and discuss the Defi market opportunities, how flash loans are a game-changer in this market and what is the vision and mission of Equalizer. The Equalizer team will be there to welcome you and answer all your questions. We are looking forward to meeting you there! The registration is still ongoing, so book your seat here: https://www.meetup.com/Tehnologia-Blockchain-In-Afaceri/events/279421394/
Yes, after reading the report this week you are probably excited like us! There is no way back, we will write one new page in the history of Defi market and we will remember with big pleasure all these moments!
Good weekend everyone!
The Equalizer Team
The Flash Loan force be with you!
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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