Weekly Report #13
Hello Equalizers,
It’s the time for the weekly report number 13, (we are not superstitious at Equalizer), we believe in hard work, and in our incredible team, we don’t leave many things to the random! So all your bets should be for Equalizer!
Last week has been an amazing and exciting one, on top of our technical development, we have been busy preparing the next hackathon where the Equalizer Team will meet in Bucharest for intensive development sessions and meetups with the community, don’t hesitate to ask for more information if you are interested to join Equalizer in Bucharest.
Update #1 Development
The waiting is almost over, just 3 weeks left for the main release! We are fine-tuning, testing, and getting feedback from earlier adopters about our Equalizer marketplace in the Ethereum main net.
We have started the testing phase and as the first quality assurance check we use the industry-standard Sonar Cube tool, for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities. Here is the last inspection report, fully in green — highlighting the top quality of the code.
For the technical weekly summary, here highlighted in bold what is new:
Equalizer Technical progress
- The testing/staging environment is fully functional and prepared to support the ongoing development and testing
- The CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) pipelines are fully functional
- The production environment configured at 100% done
- Monitoring tools implemented at 100% done
- Security Policies are in place
- The Equalizer UI/UX is 100% developed
- The Flash Loans Smart Contracts are 100% developed
- The Core Services APIs are 90% developed
- The Yield Farming Smart Contracts are 100% developed
- The EQZ ERC20-BEP20 bridge is functional on main-net.
- We have selected the audit company for the security of the Smart Contracts
- Testing plan validated. Testing scenarios created 80%
- Documentation — 20% completed
- Release plan approved — we target 28th July — 2nd August!
- Chainlink price feed integration 80% done
Update #2 Marketing
How to code a bot: This week, we have shared a very inspiring article on making bots for arbitrage opportunities. This is a very important thing to learn if you want to start profiting from the Equalizer platform, starting next month. Don't lose time and code your bot!
Here the full article: https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/t/research-summary-coding-a-defi-arbitrage-bot/282
Twitter: This week in our official Twitter account @EqualizerFlash , we have presented useful information about DEX and DEX aggregators and Arbitrage on DeFi, in case that you miss them, we collected just here for you!
Arbitrage definition:
About Decentralized Exchanges (DEX):
About DEX Aggregators:
On top of that, we are working on the marketing plan in preparation for the launch of the platform, targeting two categories of users:
1. Liquditity Providers for all the assets that will be listed on the platform — that will stake their assets in the Equalizer’s Vaults for passive income coming from the fees generated by the flash lending services.
2. Borrowers — arbitrageurs and traders — that will use the flash lending services to generate more profit for their trading strategies
Stay connected to find out more about the coming opportunities!
That’s all for this week, as we said before, the technical development is almost done, we are preparing the final stages of our development including the hackaton where the core team and the development team will meet to fine-tune the final details before launching the platform, so stay tuned! Amazing things are coming!
Have a good weekend everyone!
The Equalizer Team
The Flash Loan force be with you!
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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