Weekly Report #12
Hello Equalizers,
We just arrived at our weekly report #12. We like so much this number even if it’s a bit ubiquitous; 12 is the number of months in a year, hours on a clock face and the number of members on a typical court jury, the number 12 is mentioned often in many religions and is not a surprise that Jesus’ selection was 12 apostles. Coincidence or not, we are now 12 members of the Equalizer’s team :).
So with all these meanings of the number 12 related to time, we believe that is the right time for a snapshot about everything that happened to Equalizer and this last week has been really important in our development, business partnerships and team milestone, please find all of this in this magic report!
Update #1 Development
This was a week with important progress on our software development. All the components and core services of the platform are almost completed. As we are starting to assembly all of them together in the Rinkeby Testnet, this month will be dedicated to full testing, smart contract audit, security assessment, quality assurance, documentation, and examples.
This is our month! The countdown has started! Having all the tests and audit successfully passed, we target to release the Equalizer Marketplace in the ethreum main-net at the end of this month!
For the technical weekly summary, here highlighted in bold what is new:
Equalizer Technical progress
- The testing/staging environment is fully functional and prepared to support the ongoing development and testing
- The CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) pipelines are fully functional
- The production environment is being configured at 100% done
- Monitoring tools implemented at 100% done
- Security Policies are in place
- The Equalizer UI/UX is 100% developed
- The Flash Loans Smart Contracts are 100% developed
- The Core Services APIs are 90% developed
- The Yield Farming Smart Contracts are 90% developed
- The EQZ ERC20-BEP20 bridge is functional on main-net.
- We have selected the audit company for the security of the Smart Contracts
- Testing plan validated. Testing scenarios created 60%
- Documentation — 20% completed
- Release plan approved — we target 28th July — 2nd August!
- Chainlink price feed integration 80% done
Update #2 Marketing
Ambcrypto Article: If you are this kind of person worried about the new disruptive applications that will impact the traditional markets, you need to check out this incredible article about Equalizer, I let the link just right here!
English: https://ambcrypto.com/equalizer-changing-the-financial-system-with-flash-loans/
Spanish: https://es.ambcrypto.com/ecualizador-cambiando-el-sistema-financiero-con-prestamos-flash/
Twitter: This week in our official Twitter account @EqualizerFlash , we have presented the useful building blocks in Decentralized Finance (#DeFi), like flash loans, and how to allow users to borrow crypto assets from a designated vault without collateral.
👉🏻 here the full tweet:
Also, we have launched two surveys in our community, here are the results:
Really accurate answers! Our community is definitely prepared for the big launch!
Update #3 Listing
Yes!! We did it! it has been an action pulled from our business development Team and from our Project Leader and finally this week we are proud and happy to list $EQZ on Metamask, the most used browser wallet worldwide, this really deserves a glass of wine or two.
👉🏻 Now $EQZ (ERC20 — Ethereum) is available for all Metamask users! That is great! There is no excuse anymore and anything to stopped us to handle the $EQZ tokens! 🚀
Here the tweet announcement: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1409757877330493444?s=20
That is all for this week fellow friends, we looking forward to the next week and to bring more exciting news about our progress. Have a good weekend everyone!
The Equalizer Team
The Flash Loan force be with you!
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.
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