Invitation to test the Equalizer’s UI/UX

Equalizer Finance
3 min readMay 25, 2021


Dear Equalizers,

As we’ve mentioned in our last weekly report, the development of the Equalizer platform UI is at 80%. One of the last steps in our development is to collect feedback from our community regarding the user experience.

That’s why, today, we are happy to share with you the result of our work from the last couple of weeks and we are asking for your feedback. We do that because we want to be sure that our users will have the best user experience in DeFi market.

We invite you to try it and send us your feedback by the end of this week. We’ll collect all your suggestions and we’ll improve the UI if needed. Here are the details to access it: (remember you can only access it until the 28th of May)


  • the official domain is, pointing to the production environment. The domain is pointing to the staging environment and is used only for development, testing, and demo.
  • all the data displayed in the staging environment has no real value, it is mockup data, used only as a placeholder and only for demo purposes.
  • the UI is not finalized and not all buttons are functional because the APIs and the smart contract to connect with are still in development.

The UI of Equalizer has three sections:

  • Dashboard — is the section where the usage statistics of the platform are displayed and is used to understand the real-time status of the application
  • Vaults — is the section where all the listed assets are displayed, in a table that summarizes the usage and profitability of each vault
  • Vault’s details — when you click on one of the vaults, you will see the details of the respective vault and you will be able to interact with that vault: add or remove liquidity, stake or unstake the LP tokens in the yield farming program, claim the rewards from the yield farming program.

Remark: the LP token is the token received by any liquidity provider of a specific asset in one of the listed vaults. For example, when a liquidity provider deposits the asset LINK, he will receive in exchange the asset LINK LP at a ratio lower than 1, depending on the profitability of the vault.
Let’s say for example, that the profitability (the growth) of the vault is:

  • 10% — for 1.1 LINK, the user receives 1 LINK LP
  • 25% — for 1,25 LINK, the user receives 1 LINK LP

What can the liquidity provider do with the LP tokens?

There are two options :

  1. Stake the LP token in the yield farming program for a predefined amount of time and earn a proportional amount of EQZ tokens. The more LP tokens and the longer time you stake, the more EQZ you get.
  2. Use the LP tokens to withdraw your assets from the vault.

Let’s say, for example, that the profitability of the vault is now 38%. This means that with 1 LINK LP token the liquidity provider can now withdraw 1.38 LINK tokens

Note1 : the profitability of any vault can’t be negative and it always goes up depending on how much the vault is being used for flash loans and how much fees are accumulated.
Note 2: the Equalizer UI and dApp are not designed for mobile. For best experience use Desktop/Laptop.


About Equalizer

Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a multi-chain infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing, which can boost any listed asset’s trading volume. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and scalable infrastructure.

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Equalizer Finance
Equalizer Finance

Written by Equalizer Finance

The first dedicated platform that equalizes the decentralized markets. Specially designed as a marketplace for uncollateralized flash loans.

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