February Monthly Report
Dear Equalizers,
Time for our second report of this year! February is coming to an end and we are happy to share the updates about project development.
Although the world around us is not a happy place, we continue to work as much as possible on making flash loans available to everyone.
The team is working on a strategy to build additional services to the platform, and until it is ready we ask for your patience and support because the results will be worth the time!
Let’s take a look at the results of our February efforts.
Update 1: Pending Transactions Feature
Our team has focused on the Pending Transaction feature because it is a small but important detail that helps users receive more clear feedback about the transaction status.
How users interact with our platform is very important to us because our objective is to offer a great experience in all access points.
Update 2: WalletConnect Integration
Besides Metamask, Equalizer has now integrated WalletConnect, which is an open-source protocol that allows your wallet to connect and interact with DApps and other wallets. By scanning a QR code or clicking a deep link, WalletConnect establishes an encrypted connection between your wallet and the DApp.
Update 1: Telegram AMA with Polygon
At the beginning of the month the Equalizer core team took part in an AMA with the Polygon community. We were very pleased to see the Polygon community’s interest in our project and flash loans in general given the number of questions that were asked.
You can check AMA recap here: https://t.co/lFlgX4r3HW
Update 2: Website improvements
As we have mentioned before, the website is under continuous improvement. Most of them are not visible to the public yet, for example at the moment we are developing a new FAQ section on the website and testing a few versions of the page before we release it. We know the progress seems slow, but as we have always stated the website is part of our general marketing strategy and will be part of a rebranding process, so more obvious changes are to be implemented in the future.
Update 3: Discord improvements
We have recently started to beautify our Discord server in order to make it more user friendly. It is ongoing work, but changes are visible. We now have a branded bot, new channels (whitepaper, useful links, and also stats for our social media and server) channels split into categories to be easier to find and emojis to make it look cleaner and more organized. Other improvements will follow!
Go see for yourself and let us know what you think!
Update: Flash Loans Academy
In February we continued the education process meant to teach flash loans to people interested. We held two lectures under the Academy in February, focused on basic concepts such as what a flash loan is and flash loans use cases:
The second lecture: https://equalizer.finance/academy/agenda-for-the-2nd-lecture-february-7t
The third lecture: https://equalizer.finance/academy/agenda-for-the-3rd-lecture-february-21st
You can still join Equalizer Flash Loans Academy. Follow our Discord channel Academy branch to see the updates and ask any question: https://discord.gg/E9QqDszbbJ
We appreciate your participation and really love when you share your thoughts:
About Equalizer
Equalizer is the first dedicated flash loan marketplace built on top of a scalable infrastructure that can handle the rising demand of decentralized lending and borrowing and that can boost the trading volume of any listed asset. It offers top benefits over the popular do-it-all DeFi protocols and sets itself a class apart by offering lower fees, a virtually unlimited choice of token vaults, high liquidity through yield farming, and multi-chain capabilities.
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