Weekly Report #2
Hi everyone, we are back with the weekly report with the most important facts, events, and news that happened to Equalizer in the last week.
This week we came with many things, we did a new partnership, we have several updates from our development team, and a couple of incredible announcements. Many of you are asking how all of this is possible with a limited team and resources, well, here our secret recipe: United Team + Great Motivation + Agile Methodology! Don’t underestimate the power of communication and coordination.
Update #1: Announcements
Equalizer $EQZ is listed on @kucoincom. This is a big achievement in our short life. Kucoin will help to the mass adoption of $EQZ in the market, this will impact positively the price of $EQZ and increasing its demand.
Some details about $EQZ in Kucoin:
Pairs: $EQZ/ $USDT, $EQZ/ $BTC
Deposit: Supported network: #ERC20, #BEP20
more info here: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1385091466716909568?s=20
As both ERC20 and BEP20 tokens are allowed for deposit and withdrawal on Kucoin, the exchange is behaving as a bridge, so the holders and traders can easily move their EQZ assets from one chain to another.
Liquidity Mining Program
We are pleased to announce that we’ve started the liquidity mining program on 22nd April 9AM UTC; So we encourage you to join the staking program and to start earning one of the biggest APY in DeFi market: 105%
Please notice that the staking pools are opened only for 7 days and the capacity of the pools is limited. So, don’t miss the chance to be one of the early participants.
Read the full article here: https://link.medium.com/iX1kaVewDfb
Update #2: Partnerships
Ferrum Network — Yes, this is a clear example of what does mean a partnership for Equalizer. With Ferrum Network we are able to build staking programs for our $EQZ holders with a big reward for those who most trust in Equalizer.
Update #3: Development
Bridge BEP20 / ERC20
We are working on the development of the bridge that will smooth the transfer between ERC20 and BEP20 tokens. We are not re-inventing the wheel here and we are just adapting existing solutions in the market but with a lot of attention that the bridge will be compatible with the Equalizer’s platform, in terms of scalability and multi-chain capabilities. We are expecting a full operational bridge in the first part of next month after the security audit is concluded.
The Landing Page for Liquidity Mining Program
So in less than 1 week, our core team has been working at full speed together with designers and developers to launch our liquidity program. The UI/UX for the liquidity mining program is aligned with the same design of the Equalizer platform, as a result, we have developed a very smooth and easy-to-use landing page for the liquidity mining program. Time for you to use it!
Update #4: Equalizer NFTs
In preparation for the Equalizer Liquidity Mining Program, we craft a limited edition of 10 animated #NFT that will be distributed to the top 10 Liquidity Providers on #Uniswap and to the top 10 Liquidity Provides on #Pancakeswap.
more info here: https://twitter.com/EqualizerFlash/status/1383399930425843716?s=20
So that’s all for this week, we are looking forward to the next one and from here invite all of you to follow our official channels, and don’t forget that we are always open to any question regarding the Equalizer project in our social medial channels. Have a nice weekend.
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